1st Announcement
Dear Colleague, dear scientist, dear friend,
The International Society for Infectious diseases in Obstetrics (ISIDOG) proudly announces its 5th Biannual European Congress. ISIDOG conferences are unique experiences and we would warmly invite you to come and join us in Athens from 19 till 22 October 2023. ISIDOG unites top clinicians and researchers from all over Europe and far abroad to come together and share knowledge and friendship. Also a strong interaction with the industry is very important for ISIDOG.
As we aim for high quality and maximal interaction, we organize rather small conferences (around 200 attendees) and limit parallel sessions to an absolute minimum. Participation fees are kept modest, and are adapted to your level of education and originating country, in order nobody would feel hold back from attending.
In the program we present a wide variety of topics, from biology, diagnostics and guidelines, to therapy, prevention and vaccination of all types of infections, in or outside pregnancy, sexually transmitted or not, and would welcome all of to come and present your contributions in the field. Typically we would not show posters in the side corridors, but invite everyone to present their free communications or electronic posters with some slides, followed by discussion. Several prices for best presentations will be awarded and proclaimed at an official session at the end of the congress.
Athens is a very inviting and cultural city and we will ensure a wide range of social activities to be introduced in the program in order to make the congress feel as a trip with family and friends.
I would be happy not only to meet you in Athens on our meeting, but also to welcome you as an ISIDOG member (www.isidog.com), as this will dramatically reduce your participation fees, and give you access to our guidelines, activities like microscopy courses, and a right to vote for future Board members.
In the name of all ISIDOG Board members and Dr Aris Tsiakalis and his organizing team,
Prof. Dr. Gilbert Donders
President ISIDOG

Congress President: Dr. Aristotelis Tsiakalos
Aristotelis Tsiakalos was born in 1975 and graduated as a medical doctor in 2000 from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He was trained for 5 years as a specialist in Internal Medicine at the University Clinic of Pathophysiology in Athens. He defended his Doctoral thesis in Medicine, regarding a novel pathophysiological mechanism of anemia in HIV positive patients, in Athens in October 2010.
He worked between 2010-2012 at the Academic Unit HIV/GU Medicine, St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Trust, King’s College, in London. His research in HIV immunological mechanism was honored with the first price “G.K.Daikos” of the Greek Society of Infectious Diseases. In 2011 was awarded to him the subspecialty title of Infectious Diseases.
He worked as a consultant of Infectious Diseases in two University Clinics in Athens (Laiko, Sotiria) until 2015, when he became Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Lito Maternal Hospital. During the pandemic era he was director of a Covid-19 Clinic and president of the Hospital’s Infectious Diseases Committee. His academic interests are focused on the immunological mechanisms of infections, and he worked for seven years as a post –doctoral researcher in the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens, studying the T-regs immune responses. He actively participates in research projects and academic duties, by taking part as an invited speaker in several Greek and International congresses and by publishing 27 peer reviewed publications referenced on PubMed.
He is an elected member of the Greek Society of Infectious Diseases Board and country manager of ISIDOG since 2020.