The main reason to explain the existence and necessity of ISIDOG are threefold:
the feeling that the European Society should keep the doors open for other communities and accept members from regio’s such as Eastern European and Oeral, USA but also Asian, African, Oceania and America’s. Hence the Acronym was changed to ‘International’ instead of ‘European’ Society, as was decided in London on October 23, 2013.
A Bit About Us
ISIDOG stands for International Society for Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Its principles were created in 2013 in London at the 9th European meeting (ESIDOG) at a memorial board meeting with 20 country representatives of ESIDOG.
The Society is composed of paying and non-paying members, and is managed by a Board of 5 elected members, and a Scientific Board of to 5 members. Only paying members have a right to elect their board representatives. Furthermore there is a Board of 20 to 25 country managers, based upon the active participation and representation of each European (international) country.
On October 28th 2016 at the 1st ISIDOG European Congress in Riga, the new Society ISIDOG was officially founded: founding members were:
Gilbert Donders (Belgium), Peter Greenhouse (UK), Dace Rezeberga (Latvia), Mireille Merckx (Belgium), Begonia Martinez deTejada (Switserland) , Istvan Sziller (Hungary), Ljubomir Petricevic (Austria), Pedro Baptista (Portugal), Philippe Judlin (France) and Albert Adriaanse (The Netherlands)