Prof. Dr. Werner Mendling

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Dr. Werner Mendling (D)


Author of books, more than 200 scientific publications, hundreds of lections and chairs and since 1981 more than 350 certificated seminars for gynecological infections with microscopic training with about 10,000 participating gynecologists in Germany and Europe.

Werner Mendling (WM)

was the first gynecologist in Germany, who investigated vulvovaginal candidosis, who has written in 1987 the first textbook “Die Vulvovaginalkandidose”, which was translated in 1988 in english, italian and spanish language and who habilitated with experimental and clinical investigations on immunological investigations of vulvovaginal candidosis. He worked in this time scientifically together with Dr. Manfred Plempel, the inventor of Clotrimazole in the Pharma Research Center of BAYER Company in Wuppertal-Aprath. WM has contacted there Prof. Christina Krasemann, a medical microbiologist and expert for anaerobe bacteria. He began with her clinical investigations on the vaginal microbiology in patients with bacterial vaginosis and on the anaerobe and aerobe bacterial composition of salpingitis with swabs from the fallopian tube during laparoscopy and direct anaerobe cultivation within minutes. Since 2000 in Berlin, he was invited to cooperate with the bacteriologist Dr. Sonja Swidsinski and the gastroenterologist Dr. Alexander Swidsinski, an expert for polymicrobial biofilms. They described in 2005 for the first time polybacterial biofilms in bacterial vaginosis and reveiled in 2010 by partner investigations their sexual transmission.

Since 1987 Member of Rotary International (PHF, PP).

Author of books, more than 200 scientific publications, hundreds of lections and chairs and since 1981 more than 350 certificated seminars for gynecological infections with microscopic training with about 10,000 participating gynecologists in Germany and Europe.

1974 Examination as physician in Heinrich – Heine – University of Düsseldorf
1975 Approbation as physician in Düsseldorf
1975 Promotion/Dissertation (experimental study about prosthetic heart valves) / Medical Faculty of University Düsseldorf
1976 – 1995 Physician in Rhinic Women’s Country Hospital and Midwife Training Center, named in 1985 Women’s Hospital of Clinics of St. Antonius GmbH in Wuppertal
1981 – 1995 Senior physician of Women’s Hospital Wuppertal
1988 and 1991 Janssen-Award for Mycological Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology
1994 Habilitation (Immunological Investigations in Vaginal Mycoses),
University Witten / Herdecke
1995 – May 2000 Chief of Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Perinatal Centre) at Hospital of Frankfurt / Oder, Academic Teaching Hospital of Charité/ Berlin
1995 Habilitation at Humboldt – University/Charité Berlin
since 1987 Founding- and Board Member of the Working Group for Infections and Infectimmunology in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Germany
since 1996 Member of the Board of Dr. Manfred Plempel – Foundation of the German Speaking Mycological Society (DMykG)
since 1996 Founding- and Board Member (to 10/1998) of the Working Group of Heads Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Germany
1998 Congress President of the 32th Scientific Congress of the German Speaking Mycological Society
04.04.2000 Professor at Humboldt – University (Charité) Berlin
22.05.2000 to 31.10.2001 Chief of Vivantes Clinic for Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Hospital Am Urban, Berlin  and
to 31.10.2011
Chief of Clinic for Obstetrics and Gynecology of Vivantes
Hospital im Friedrichshain (Perinatal Centre Level 1 und since 2010 WHO-certified „Babyfriendly Hospital“) and simultaneously Am Urban of Vivantes-Network for Health, Berlin
7.09.2007 Award „Johann Lucas Schönlein – Plakette of the German Speaking Mycological Society (DMykG) in Berlin
since 2008 Speaker of the Board of the Johann Lucas Schönlein – Plakette of DMykG
April 2011 President of Cancer Congress Berlin „Gynecological Oncology– State of the Art “
since 1.4.2012 Founder of the German Center for Infections in Obstetrics
and Gynecology in St. Anna – Hospital in Wuppertal,
since 1. 4. 2015 named Helios Hospital Wuppertal, University Hospital of the University Witten/Herdecke, since 1. 6. 2016 (re)named Landesfrauenklinik, University Hospital Wuppertal (University Witten/Herdecke)
1.8. – 31.10.2014 and  17.8.2015 – 31.3.2016 Acting Chief of the St. Anna Clinic for Obstetrics and Gynecology (Center for Perinatology Level 1, Breast
Cancer Center, Pelvic Floor Center) of Helios University Hospital Wuppertal (University Witten/Herdecke)
1.8. 2016 – 14. 3. 2017 Senior Consultant of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery, Esthetic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Helios University Hospital Wuppertal (University Witten/Herdecke)
Since July 24th 2021 Medical Co-Director, since Prof. Erich Saling’s death Director of the Erich Saling – Institute for Perinatal Medicine, Berlin
Member of the Editorial Board of Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, of the Scientific
Advisory Board of „mycoses“, Peer Reviewer of many scientific Journals
Since 1975 Member of the German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
since 1987 Founding- and Board Member of the Working Group for Infections and Infectimmunology in Obstetrics and Gynecology (AGII), since July 2022 President
since 2015 Founding and Board Member of the International Society for Infections in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISIDOG)
since 1979 Member of the German Speaking Mycological Society (DMykG)
Since 2014 Member of the German Sexually Transmitted Disease Society (DSTIG)
Since 2022 Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal disease (ISSVD)